Meet Our Team

Our team of experts have been working together since 2017. We collaborate seamlessly to build the stage so you can deliver the message!

Janine Bolon

Founder & Podcast Producer

Janine is an entrepreneur, podcast producer, author, and speaker who helps fellow entrepreneurs, authors, and creatives grow their audiences and businesses. Her radio career began in 1982 when she became the MC of her high school’s weekly program on KDFM KOEAFM. Janine is the host of the Janine Bolon Show, a podcast and syndicated radio show about money, time, knowledge, and health. She is the author of 12 books on promotional podcasting, business growth, financial independence, & spirituality, including 2021’s Author Podcasting: Be A Stand-Out Guest while Taking Your Book on a Virtual Tour.

Francis Battaglia

Francis Battaglia

President of Media Airtime, LLC

Radio Station Syndication & Sponsorship
Francis brings more than 30 years of experience in the radio business. After UVA Business School, he ran and later owned the family businesses, KFNX 110 AM and Wale 990 AM, 250 kW major market news talk radio stations. Francis has created and syndicated hundreds of radio talk shows and worked with many of the top radio hosts in the country including Laura Ingraham, Michael Savage, and Brian Kilmeade. He is the President of Media Airtime, a company that helps radio talk shows grow their audience, sponsorship and distribution. Francis is one of the most experienced and knowledgeable people in talk radio in the country.

Elizabeth Hill

Elizabeth Hill

Website Integration, Landing Pages, & SEO

Elizabeth, Founder of Virtual Support Gal, brings more than 15 years of experience in digital marketing, virtual assistance, and communications. She has a special passion for working with speakers, coaches, podcasters, and wellness professionals. Elizabeth is an expert in a slew of online platforms, including WordPress, Elementor, Canva, Podbean, Mailchimp, Yoast SEO, and Google Analytics. She is a techie at heart and loves connecting back-end systems and third-party integrations.

Bryan Hyde

Bryan Hyde

Audio Production, Voicework, and Post-Production

Bryan is a veteran broadcaster, podcaster, writer, speaker and educator with more than 35 years behind the mic. He is an incredible coach who helps fellow podcasters and speakers sound polished and professional. Bryan’s company With One Voice LLC reflects his personal mission to bring people together where they can speak with one voice on the ideas that matter most.

Mike Capuzzi

Mike Capuzzi

Short Book (Shook™) Publishing (opt-in)

Mike is an author, nonfiction book coach, and short book publisher with over 20 years of experience turning entrepreneurs and corporate leaders into authors by leveraging the power of short, helpful books (shooks™) that are fast to read and easy to write. He’s helped thousands of business owners market their business smarter through his book publishing company, Bite Sized Books. Mike is the host of the Author Factor Podcast and is the author of 15 books including two international Amazon # 1 Best Sellers, The 100 – Page Book and The Magic of Short Books.

Tasha Wilmore

Tasha Wilmore

Project Management, Social Media Messaging, & Outreach

Tasha is the Founder of Help on Deck, a veteran and minority-owned virtual assistant firm. Tasha and her team at Help on Deck bring more than 20 years of project management, social media, administrative assistance, business development, and process improvement experience. Help on Deck specializes in providing superb virtual support so clients have more time to focus on their core business and achieve their desired work-life balance. Tasha is an Ambassador of Women’s Power Networking and serves on the Jacksonville Friends of The Library Board.

Sean Bolon

Graphic Design, Branding & Logo Creation

Sean is a self-taught artist and graphic designer who creates experiential marketing materials for his small business clients. An avid Canva and Affinity Designer user, he specializes in two-dimensional logos and social media graphics. Prior to starting his own consultancy, Sean studied robotics and worked at Sherwin-Williams as a Color Specialist.


Shawn Denevan

Pre-Production & Podcast Distribution

Shawn is an audio engineer, on-air voice talent, and radio broadcaster with over 30 years in the audio and radio industries. He’s created a podcast distribution network of over 40 platforms, ensuring that client podcasts reach an incredibly wide audience base on both global and local sites. Shawn is the General Manager of two Utah Tech RM radio stations, the owner of a podcast studio, and has taught radio broadcasting, podcasting, and audio production at Utah Tech for the past 12 years.

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